Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dog Photography

I love taking photos of all animals, and one of my favorite subjects is Koda. He's a mixed (very mixed) breed that belongs to a good friend. As you can see, Koda loves his jolly ball. Looooves it. And Koda loves water, too, as you can see. The nastier, smellier, gunkier water, the better.

My friend and I were taking glorious headshots of Mr. Koda last week, all resplindent and soaked to the skin in nasty dirty water.

Isn't he cute? You just want to reach down and give him a good scratch right? Or maybe not, because he smells like a combination of cow manure, rancid pond water, and that dead thing he rolled in.

We were using his jolly ball as an attention-getter to keep him focused for the camera, and it was working great. His ears were perked and he had a cute happy expression on his face.

He loves his Jolly Ball.

Then he started to get a little irritated.

"Seriously guys, gimmie my ball back."

"C'mon, guys. This isn't funny anymore!"

Of course, we were both prior victims of the lovely "Monkey in the Middle" game when we were kids, and it was Oh So Much fun doing it to someone else. We laughed, being the evil little devils that we are.

Koda didn't laugh. He got even.

We gave him his ball back.

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